Although we are excited to welcome the new year, we are grateful for all that we’ve been able to accomplish in 2018. Join us as we take a look back at the year we’ve had with some of our favorite moments:
1. Community Garden and Pavilion Project
Thanks to generous support and donations, Greencastle of Mulford (Rockford, Illinois) was able to finalize their community garden and pavilion project. Residents enjoy it tremendously.
2. Community Anniversaries
This year was very special for two of our communities. The Greencastle of Kenwood (Chicago, IL) community celebrated their 25th anniversary, while the North Orchard Place (Chicago, Illinois) community celebrated their 30th anniversary.
3.Great Place to Work
For the second year in a row, Embrace Living Communities was recognized as a Great Place to Work. However, this year we became one of the 50 best workplaces for aging services (placed in the top 5!) by Fortune and Great Place to Work. Though our team has always known that our organization is more like a family, it was an honor to see this recognition reflect the happiness and pride our staff feels in working here.
4. Change-makers visit our communities
This year, we received visits from those who have the power to advance our mission for quality, affordable housing for all.
5. Best Community Business
Our Greencastle of Garfield (Chicago, IL) community was named ‘Best Community Business’ by Comcast Business and Inspiration 1390.
6. Better Buildings Initiative
The environment is a home to us all, and this year, we continued to do our part as an organization in the Better Buildings Initiative. Green initiatives have helped significantly reduce building electric costs up to 50% and heating and air conditioning costs for many residents. You can read more about the specific ways our communities are contributing to a healthier planet in a Q & A with our Director of Plant Operations, Ed Havlovic.
7. Leading Age
This year’s Leading Age conference in Philadelphia provided a chance for Embrace Living Communities to meet with other organizations that share the same passion for ensuring seniors have the resources to lead full, active lives.
8. Active Aging Week
We dedicated one week out of this year to participate in Active Aging Week, by taking charge of our health with a wide range of activities from swimming to dog walking to Wii bowling.
It’s been a wonderful year, and we look forward to the year ahead and all the new beginnings and exciting opportunities it will bring!