Friends and Neighbors,
In the 20 years I’ve worked at Embrace Living, I’ve seen firsthand the incredible impact that social services have had on residents. In my role as the lead social service coordinator at Greencastle of Garfield I in Chicago, I connect residents with services that meet their unique needs. To do this, I constantly strive to understand what those needs are and stay informed about what programs and resources are out there.
To stay tuned in to resident needs, I do assessments. This can be as simple as having conversations with residents in passing, or as complex as performing an annual service assessment where we take a look at where a resident was a year ago, where they are now and ways I can help them continue in the right direction. It’s important for me to be a good listener and really hear their story while having social services in my back pocket that address their needs.
Something I love about our social service coordination program is that we focus on the group as well as the individual. For example, I can help an individual with high blood pressure, but if multiple residents tell me this is an issue for them, it’s my job to seek out group resources that can come in and educate everyone on ways to manage that condition and maintain a healthy life.
Finding affordable resources is important, especially when it comes to physical and mental health. We may have relatively inexpensive gyms nearby, but because fixed incomes and limited mobility are issues for many of our seniors, they need the ability to care for their well-being within their home for free. There are therapists and counselors in the community, but many residents can’t afford them. So, I facilitate programs where residents can socialize and improve their mental health. Creative programs such as arts and crafts and music therapy have been very successful in our building and provide a way for residents to process traumatic experiences and focus on positive aspects of their lives.
We’re fortunate to have had generous volunteers come in and facilitate programs, but since COVID, volunteerism has dropped significantly. And, quality instructors, educators and professionals cost money, which is why we’re always in need of additional funding.
While some government funding is set aside for social services, there’s still a large gap when it comes to making sure all our residents’ needs are met. If we don’t fill that gap, it puts many of our residents at risk. Without social services aimed at addressing our residents’ physical and mental health, they may end up elsewhere in our complex healthcare system. We’re making it easier for them by providing these services right where they live.
Human services is my vocation, not just my job. I was inspired to take this career path after seeing my mom help others through her work in human services. Building community and rising to challenges is where I thrive—I love connecting people with resources and programs and making a difference in the lives of the seniors I get to serve every day. But I can’t do it alone. Generous donors and community partners are needed to make sure our residents can embrace life every day.
Please visit our website for more information on how you can help residents at all our communities across Illinois, Missouri and Florida get the social service support they need.
Thank you,
Darea Seifer
Lead Social Services Coordinator
Greencastle of Garfield I
Feel free to contact us for any future resident, current resident, or general inquiries.